Farm Frenzy 4 almost slipped under the radar today, taking a back seat to Natural Threat 2, another Alawar title that made an appearance today.
I admit, I was surprised, considering all the hype that naturally accompanies the Farm Frenzy games. I know a bunch of you have been asking about when this new offering was going to be released. Not a word has been whispered about it since last year when we talked to the folks at Casual Connect, so I was surprised to see it on the list of games to play today.
Maybe there was a reason they kept it quiet...

First thing, Farm Frenzy 4 is in 3D... and I can't say that I'm a big fan of 3D, especially if it's not done really well. It has the tendency to make me feel a bit nauseous if I stare at it too long, and the 3D work in Farm Frenzy 4 is a bit too clunky for my tastes. It just made the game seem overly cheesy as well... like it was trying way too hard to be something it's not.
It's a time management game... we don't expect amazing graphics. What we do expect, especially from the Farm Frenzy games, is challenging and entertaining gameplay, and an over abundance of cute. I just didn't get that here... the animals were OK... the main character was kind of... blah. Yes, blah... she had a big head and walked around wearing some questionable clothing... nowhere near as cute as Scarlett from the previous games.

The 3D world also made gameplay kind of a nightmare. Changing the camera angle just made me want to hurl, so I tried to keep it as level as possible. I had trouble seeing the board though, and at times, I couldn't even tell where the machines were.
Sometimes I would get through almost the entire level before I realized that there was a machine I had missed hidden behind the steak maker.... speaking of... I'm going to just say this and then move on... why was I putting pig in the steak maker? Last time I checked... and I haven't eaten meat in years so maybe things have changed... but I was pretty sure that steak equals cow... and that's all I will say about that.
So far, after playing Farm Frenzy 4, I have nothing to show for it but utter disappointment, a raging headache, and an upset stomach... I'm not even sure Pepto-Bismol can cure what ails me.

Even the story behind Farm Frenzy 4 was a let down, not that I expect a big back story from a time management game, but please... visiting your grandparent's farm? That's as unoriginal and boring as butter slapped on a slice of Wonder bread.
The music also drove me a bit batty. It was this constant trumpeting in my ear, and while I do admit it seemed folksy and probably was appropriate for the whole farm theme... it gave me anxiety.
One day, developers will realize they can't keep the same intensity in a soundtrack going all the time... there's such a thing as building the tension and then releasing... otherwise it's going to be the cause of my blood pressure skyrocketing out of control. Take it from me, it's better to just cut the music and play with your own soundtrack rather than risk this ridiculous surge of unwanted adrenaline.

The only thing that was remotely decent about Farm Frenzy 4 were the sounds... and even then it was nothing special... just cute animal noises, the growling of the dog, the clucking of your hens. Very appropriate and helped build what little farm environment there was.
Overall, Farm Frenzy 4 what a terrible disappointment. I played through the tutorial and a few levels past that, really trying to get into it, but between the weird camera angles and the room starting to sway, I just gave up. Maybe the next game will be better, but for now, Farm Frenzy 4 was just another franchise rolling over and dying in its sleep.